What would have
happened if 65 million years ago no asteroid had fallen
on the earth and the dinosaurs would have had time to
develop? Some scientists are of the opinion that the
dinosaurs were so successful in evolutionary biology that
they had occupied all niches in the ecosystem and that
there was no room for further evolution.
However, recent findings indicate that under the
Theropods, especially the Troodon a development
of the social intelligence took place. In the case of
undisturbed development, a genuine intelligence with
self-consciousness could have developed there.
Dale Alan Russell, a Canadian paleontologist dealing with
dinosaurs, speculated about a hypothetical intelligent
end product of the dinosaur revolution.
Man has developed in 65 million years from a small
mouse-sized mammal to Homo sapiens. This suggests
that there was also a chance for the dinosaurs to develop
intelligence. And what would have become of the
evolutionary lines that have been eliminated by other
catastrophes? Let's look at the interrupted development
1 |
About 80% of all species of animals
and plants, including the trilobites
(trilobites), but also conodonts or brachopods
(bony feet), died about 485 million years ago, at
the end of the Cambrian Period. The insects
spread. |
2 |
About 360 million years ago, in the
upper Devon (Kellwasser Event), about 50% of
all species died, including some fish, corals and
trilobites. Then came the age of amphibians. |
3 |
About 252 million years ago, within
a period of 200,000 years at the Perm-Trias
border, 95% of all sea-dwelling species, as
well as about 66% of all land-living species
(reptile and amphibian species) died. The age of
the Therapsids began. These are mammalian-like
reptiles. |
4 |
About 200 million years ago, at the
end of the Triassic Period, 50 to 80% of all
species, including almost all farm animal
animals, died. It was followed by the age of
dinosaurs. |
5 |
Approximately 66 million years ago,
on the Cretaceous Tertiary Border, [10] around
50% of all animal species died, including the
dinosaurs. It began the age of the mammals, from
which we developed. |
It is conceivable that all four
interrupted evolutionary strands could have
developed further in such a way that intelligent
species would have emerged from them. Therefore
the following axiom is set up: |
13.1.1 Axiom |
Every evolutionary line,
with undisturbed development, can produce life
forms that are conscious and intelligent. |
As the development of mammals was the most recent
development on Earth, the number N of
lizard-based civilizations is greater than mammalian. And
that e.g. More reptiloid species than a sauroid species.
The following evolutionary strings are conceivable:
1) Insects
2) Amphibious
3) Reptiloids
4) Sauroids
5) Humanoids
13.1.2 Assumption |
> Namphibious
> Nreptiloid
> Nsauroid
> Nhumanoid |