
Probabilities in the Galaxy


A Distribution Model for habitable Planets

Copyright © Klaus Piontzik
 German Version    
German Version    

5.2 - Planetary Dangers of Development

If one takes these events or their causes as a basis and then asks oneself further which cosmic and planetary sources of danger come into consideration, then a whole list of possibilities results:

• Cosmic Rays
• Gamma Flash
• Supernova
• Solar Eruption
• Asteroid Impact
• Cometary Impact
• Ghost Planets, vagabonding Stars
• Ice Planet (Snowball Earth)
• Climate Change
• Atmospheric Change
• Change in Sea Level
• Volcanism
• Supervolcano

These are a total of 13 possible planetary threats that have the potential to destroy the entire biosphere of the Earth.

More detailed explanations and pictures of the individual planetary sources of danger can be found in the book

5.2.1 - The consciousness factor

Consciousness Consciousness If life has enough time and is spared from the dangers of planetary development, then intelligence also develops. (see Chapter 13.2) In order for awareness to arise, another factor is required.
Birds and monkeys use tools. Dolphins, whales, monkeys, wolves, etc. can hunt with each other in a coordinated manner. Dolphins, whales and ground squirrels use distinctive languages.
All of these are achievements of intelligence, but they are still far from conscious.
There are a few animals that pass the mirror test, such as dolphins, elephants and monkeys, i.e. show a certain level of self-knowledge.
But here too, the crucial factor of ego-consciousness, which is given to humans and enables them to build civilizations and develop technology, is missing.
A development factor is therefore required that allows self-confidence to arise. This factor is therefore referred to as the „"consciousness factor"
For the present model, it is irrelevant whether the development of consciousness is caused by genetics, is part of evolution or was caused by external influences (see epigenetics) or events.

There is still a danger to development that is not of an external nature but rather arises from the biological level. This is the occurrence of epidemics or pandemics that can wipe out a species or a culture or even an entire civilization.
An example here is the destruction of 95% of the Indian population in South America by diseases introduced by Europeans.
This developmental risk could therefore be described as a „biological factor“ However, this factor is already included in the „evolution factor“ which ensures viability and stability, and is therefore not taken into account further here.


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 Probabilities in the Galaxy

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176 sides, of them 64 in Color
76 pictures
11 tables

Production and publishing:
Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

ISBN 9-783-7528-5524-1

Price: 22 Euro

The Autor - Klaus Piontzik